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Amy Bailey-FOO Runner

Amy Bailey
Force of Orange Participant

My story of running goes back to junior high when I ran the 1500 in track. Whomever wants to run that race anyway? Well nobody in 7th grade, so I figured I would give it a try. At first it was difficult and the training was hard, but then found that I was pretty good at that distance and set my school record back in 7th grade at a whopping time of 5:45, who would of thought I could run that fast. Not me….

After junior high and into high school I kept up at the 1500 and tried shorter distances and races, but really enjoyed the long runs and competing. Funny side note was that I was actually in the same conference as Suzy Favor in High School so ended up racing against her often…let me tell you, she was an amazing runner and practically lapped me at every meet :) .

After high school, running kind of ended for me and well, life and obligations happened. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I was sitting on my living room couch and was overweight, unhappy, out of shape, and needed new goals. It was while I was visiting a cousin of mine at our cottage that the running bug struck me. You see my cousin had just had a baby and I hadn’t seen her in over a year, she looked amazing so I asked her what she did and she said “Couch to 5k” after that day, I downloaded the app and started on my journey to run a 5k.

After about six months of training I was finally able to run three miles happily and not struggle and hate every mile. Since that first day of “Couch to 5k” I haven’t stopped . Every year I set a new goal and after achieving my 5k goal it moved to run five miles. Believe me 4 years ago I would have never thought I could run 5 miles regularly. Since that first 5k, running really has become a part of my lifestyle and have run at least 3 times a week for the past 5 years and haven’t stopped.

Last January my new year’s resolution was to complete a ½ marathon. With the help of FOO and all the friends I’ve made through the group, I have accomplished my distance goals and am working hard on achieving my PR goals. I know that with the group I see every week and the support of friends these goals are absolutely possible.

I really am thankful for all the support and help that Fleet Feet and FOO has given me over the past year and love all the people I have met and put many miles in with every week. I don’t think I could have accomplished any of those tough goals on my own and am truly appreciative…hopefully this year I’ll do a full marathon and come up with some new goals!

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